Topping Out at China’s First Atlantis Hotel

Release time:2016-07-20 Content sourced from: Page View:

On July 20, a topping-out ceremony was held for Atlantis Sanya to mark the success in the concrete casting of the last beam atop its main tower structure. Situated in Haitang Bay, Sanya, Atlantis Sanya will be the world’s third, and China’s first, Atlantis Resort Hotel. The topping out of the 226-meter-high hotel can herald the realization of a “dreamland” and can also mark a milestone in the upgrade of Sanya’s tourism industry to its version 3.0.


Atlantis, Sanya was invested in and constructed by Fosun Group, and is operated and managed by Kerzner International. The hotel occupies a site of approximately 806mu and involves a total investment of approximately RMB11 billion. The hotel boasts 1,314 signature guest rooms of Atlantis with panoramic sea view and China’s largest natural saltwater aquarium, which can hold 47,000 tons of seawater and display over 60,000 sea creatures.


The topping-out ceremony was graced by the presence of the principal government officials of Hainan province and Sanya city as well as numerous business partners who came to express their congratulations. Fosun Group’s Chairman Guo Guangchang, Vice Chairman and CEO Liang Xinjun, and President Wang Qunbin extended their heartfelt thanks to the frontline staff and all those supportive friends and partners by means of live-stream video.


Jim Qian, who is the Vice-President of Fosun Group, the President of Fosun Tourism and Commerce Group and the Chairman of Atlantis Commerce and Tourism Development Co., Ltd. (ACTD) , and ACTD’s President Cao Minglong expressed their upbeat views about the outlook of the “business sphere for Fosun’s global tourism industry chain” and the “planning and prospects for Atlantis, Sanya”. They commented that Atlantis, Sanya, as a hotel project executed in the spirit of the craftsmen, represents the most crucial component of Fosun’s tourism and commerce business. The hotel’s out-of-this-world seabed aquarium, its water park that brings good fun as well as its perfectly customized tourism services and comprehensive amenities will provide the tourists with the most enjoyable experience of one-stop resort tourism.


  The interior decoration of the hotel will begin right after the topping out of the main tower structure of Atlantis, Sanya, and the hotel is expected to open its doors to tourists in the second half of 2017.


