Fosun for Good, Sharing Happiness
Staying True - Together for A Better Life
The Fosun Foundation was established in November 2012 as the main humanitarian arm of the Fosun Group and is a “5A Social Organization”. Adhering to Fosun‘s values of “Self-improvement, Teamwork, Performance and Contribution to Society”, Fosun Foundation insists on serving the society, the people and the nation. The coverage of the foundation includes disaster relief, rural revitalization, healthcare, poverty alleviation, youth entrepreneurship, education, and culture & art, etc., serving many countries and regions around the world
Help families all over the world to “create a better life”
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Utilize resources in Fosun ecosystem to respond to global demand and deliver greater social value
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1. Provide diversified public welfare services for families worldwide to drive social innovation;
2. Make Fosun a more responsible global citizen
Focus Areas
Together for A Better Life, Sharing Happiness
- Health
- Education
- Culture & Art
- Rural Revitalization
- Global Development
- Emergency Relief
In addition, the Fosun Foundation has collaborated with caring enterprises, artists, and charitable organizations to provide joint donations for natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and mudflows both domestically and internationally.
Responsible Investment
Promote the integration and development of responsible investment in Fosun
Fosun Insurance Portugal isa signatory of United Nations Global Compact Principles and is committedto making positive social and environmental impacts through business activities,In 2022, Fosun InsurancePortugal continued to strengthen its investment strategy with ESG evaluations. Theevaluations are performed by a multidisciplinary team, composed of specialistsin the areas of Investments, Risk, Legal and Compliance. This work requires anassessment of the general sustainability level of a business and theidentification of the ESG policy of the targeted companies for investment,implies the permanent monitoring ESG performance of the investment portfolio,and analyses relevant ESG opportunities to identify new investment goals,whether for the portfolio itself or the new products to be developed. FosunInsurance Portugal also went through an introspective phase, during which itperformed exhaustive research on the assets and internal practices and policiesfrom a sustainability standpoint.
Fosun Insurance Portugalhas started to develop and launch more financial products that comply with ESGstandards, strengthen the uniform disclosure of sustainability preferences ofthe invested companies, and implement the concept of responsible investment.With the purpose of associating retirement savings to the promotion ofgood ESG practices, FosunInsurance Portugal developed a financial solution, PPR 40+ESG, where assetindexes are aligned with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)and with the Principles for Responsible Investment. As such, they excludecontroversial sectors or those with a negative environmental impact or alsothose that do not comply with the international procedures related to human rights,work, environment and corruption – according to the United Nations Global CompactPrinciples.
Peak Reinsurance is asignatory to the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) of the UnitedNations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI). In the course ofinvestment, Peak Reinsurance is committed to promoting the integration of PSIin investment decisions, follows an exclusion policy designed to mitigate theenvironment and social risk of its investment portfolio.
ESG exclusion and tracking list:Peak Reinsurance identifies sensitive industries including weapons and ammunition,alcohol, tobacco, gambling, drift fishing, forestry and logging, etc., andconsiders possible environmental and social risks of such industries, to developan ESG exclusion and tracking list. Based on the involvement of the underlying productionand trading activities in sensitive industries, Peak Reinsurance sets up differentthresholds to control the environmental and social risks of its investment and underwritingactivities.
Cooperate To Achieve Multiplier Growth
Create sustainable supply chains to increase the responsible impact
In 2016, Shanghai Bureau ofEcology and Environment launched the “Green Supply Chain” initiative. In orderto actively respond to the project, Fosun Pharma jointly launched the greensupply chain project called “Green Fosun” together with its membercompanies and suppliers immediately, which was aimingat guiding Fosun Pharma and its member companies to raise Environment, Healthand Safety (EHS) standards and driving suppliers to strengthen self-control andself-regulation on EHS in the industry, so as to promote a healthier and moresustainable supply chain ecosystem in the industry.
Fosun Pharma released the Basic Standards for Green Supplier Management of Fosun Pharma Group (Trial Implementation) and Proposal of Green Supply Chain for Fosun Pharma. As of the end of 2022, Fosun Pharma’s member companies have carried out 434 green supply chain audits to their suppliers.
Fosun Tourism Group adheresto the policy of giving priority to local procurement, giving priority to localingredients and raw materials and is committed to developing with localcommunities. As of the end of 2022, Fosun Tourism Group achieved a localprocurement ratio of 69.21% in China. Club Med achieved a local procurementratio of 89% Since 2008, Club Med has partneredwith the nongovernmental organization Agrisud to guide farmers in theresort’s locations to use their land in a more sustainable way based onprinciples of agroecology, and to integrate local crop output into the resort’sfood supply network. In 2022, Club Med provided support to 396 small farms,benefiting more than 2,000 farmers in total. More than 200 hectares of landwere planted in ecological agriculture, and an average of 20 crops were plantedin each project. By the end of 2022, the project has been carried out in 11resorts in 7 countries with a cumulative funding of EUR1,392,000, and the smallfarms assisted by the project have provided more than 416 tons of agriculturalproducts to Club Med.