Establishing Fosun’s C2M Ecosystem

Release time:2016-07-24 Content sourced from: Page View:

On July 24, Fosun Group’s 2016 Interim Investment Conference was held in Shanghai with the theme of “Platform, Unicorn, Product: Establishing C2M Ecosystem”. Among the attendees were over 850 representatives from various investment teams, managerial functions and core corporate management. The group’s directors and global partners delivered keynote speeches and attended throughout the conference.


The new model of thriving includes the business model of “platform, unicorn, product power” and the global partnership mechanism, which aimed to accelerate the integration of industry chains and business globalization, thereby to establish C2M ecosystem to make Fosun become an one-stop “wealth, health & happiness” solutions provider for families around the World. Fosun Group 2016 Interim Investment Conference focused on the group’s core strategies. Leveraging projects’ synergies, the Group strives to encourage development of large projects, unicorns and C2M investments, to drive the evolution of the organizational mechanism through digitalization and smart initiatives, and to further expand into emerging market. The conference also summed up the works and experiences gained from the first half of this year, as well as discussed the strategies and focuses for the upcoming half-year.


Fosun Group President Wang Qunbin noted in his speech, “We have to deepen our investment and positioning regarding the wealth, health and happiness fields and accelerate the development of the Internet, while continuously working toward the evolution of finance, globalization and hive-city development in the real estate sector, optimizing growth of bulk commodities, and promoting C2M investment opportunities. The overriding objective is to forge Fosun into a world-class investment group underpinned by its twin drivers with global industrial integration capability taking roots in China, and to construct a global C2M ecosystem centered on wealth, health and happiness.


 During the conference, Ding Guoqi, Executive Director and Senior Vice President of Fosun Group, Kang Lan, Vice-President of Fosun Group and President of Fosun Insurance Group, Chen Qiyu, Executive Director & Vice-President of Fosun Group and Chairman of Fosun Healthcare Holdings, Jim Qian, Vice-President of Fosun Group and President of Fosun Tourism & Commerce Group, Xu Xiaoliang, Executive Director & Vice-President of Fosun Group, CEO and Chairman of Fosun Property, William Tang, Senior Assistant to President of Fosun Group and Chairman of Fosun Capital, Andy Pan, Vice-President of Fosun Group and President of Fosun TMT & Entertainment Investment Group, Robin Wang, CFO of Fosun Group, Mu Haining, Co-General Manager of Fosun Group Human Resources Department, Qin Xuetang, Executive Director and Senior Vice-President of Fosun Group, and Chen Bo, PRGR Co-General Manager shared their experiences and insights in respective fields. In addition, the attendees likewise explored pertinent topics focusing on the establishment of a “C2M unicorn” for Fosun Financial Services, the reinforcement of healthcare and medical product power, the promotion of C2M in lifestyle and fashion, as well as the enhancement of Fosun Property’s globalized operating capabilities, with a multitude of guests sharing their own relevant experience from different perspectives.


Fosun Group Vice Chairman and CEO Liang Xinjun shared his insights on future development of Fosun. He indicated that moving forward, the group would dedicate its efforts toward doing both the “right” and “challenging” things, enabling Fosun to achieve constant gains by getting the “right” things done, while doing “challenging” things - which tend to be those that annoy you - will annoy you as much as your opponents. Getting these annoying things done properly is actually synonymous with creating a threshold for oneself. Regarding future investment direction, Liang Xinjun explained that Fosun’s investments are people-oriented and that all invested projects have the ultimate goal of serving people. As such, a very significant change in our customers and target groups going forward is that future technologies will certainly lead to changes relating to the “categorization” of people around the world. Therefore, the first focus will be on millennial demands brought about by the development of the Internet, with the second focus being on customer changes caused by the technological revolution, the third being on strategic sectors, and the fourth being on the industry opportunities arising from C2M.


Lastly, Fosun Group Chairman Guo Guangchang emphasized in his speech that we still have to strictly abide by the “insurance + investment” twin-driver core strategy. With the constant changes in the global interest rate environment, the low interest rate setting in mainstream markets could lead to a situation in which an increasing number of financial enterprises will be led by their asset end going forward and only those enterprises with quality assets will be ready to assume liabilities. Fosun has made constant efforts toward developing the investment capabilities of its teams, while at the same time allocating low-cost liabilities. During this period, Fosun will continue to accelerate its acquisition of, and the securing of a controlling stake in, “small yet brilliant” investment teams around the world, in order to make up for its less capable aspects. Moreover, Guo Guangchang indicated that the penetration of Internet into various sectors has only just begun - no different from the evolution involving the restructuring of the entire industry’s business chains and supply chains. As such, while Fosun is finding support from C2M, it will have to firmly grasp relevant advantages and pursue refined development of industries based upon an “Internet mindset”, identifying and sharpening potential “unicorns”.


  Chairman Guo Guangchang ultimately expressed his hope that everyone would have a sense of crisis, highlighting that everything in the present day is about the word “rapidity”. As everything is happening and changing so quickly, enterprises that do not demonstrate growth or learning power will fall out of the race. As such, Fosun must accelerate the pace of R&D, strictly abide by its globalized strategies, and accelerate the integration of its global talent and resources, in addition to carrying on with the efforts made regarding its advantageous industries and accelerating the creation of links between its healthcare and tourism industries.


