Mr. Guo Guangchang’s Proposals to the 12th CPPCC

Release time:2013-03-13 Content sourced from: Page View:


Mr. Guo Guangchang is the Chairman of Fosun Group and  a member of the National Committee of the 12th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Mr. Guo provided 7 proposals to the 12th CPPCC in March 2013. These proposals aim to promote the development of non-state owned economy and the SMEs of China and cover various sectors such as bank, healthcare, insurance and culture etc.


Here is the abstract of the major proposals:


1)  Proposal of introducing the model of Bank of Silicon Valley in Shanghai’s Pudong Development Bank

2)  Proposal of approval of generic drugs that is close to expire date

3)  Proposal of building insurance system to protect people against huge disaster

4)  Proposal of developing the financing system to help the small and medium size companies

5)   Proposal of canceling the fee on the cultural sectors

6)  Proposal of reducing the tax on educational expense for families

7)  Proposal of setting up the credit database of national level


