Fosun received The Asset Triple A China’s Most Promising Companies 2012 – Market Pioneers Award and Corporate Governance Awards 2012 – Gold Award

Release time:2013-03-13 Content sourced from: Page View:

(Hong Kong – 13 March 2013) Fosun International Limited (“Fosun” or together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”, HKEx stock code: 00656), yesterday night received The Asset Triple A China’s Most Promising Companies 2012 – Marketing Pioneer Awards and Corporate Governance Awards 2012 - Gold Award presented by The Asset, an international renowned magazine. The awards are in recognition of the Group’s achievements in leveraging the best of its brand equity in tapping investment opportunities available in the markets, as well as the wide recognition in the area of corporate governance it enjoys in the markets.


The Asset Triple A Awards series constitutes a defining recognition for excellence in the industry. It aims at providing endorsements to companies which have successfully seized opportunities and yielded excellent performances amidst the challenges in markets. All companies shortlisted for this award have strong management capabilities and financial performances that facilitated their seizures of market opportunities. The Triple A Awards series is underpinned by a stringent selection process and finalists are examined by The Asset’s Editorial Board who collectively have more than a decade of experiences in conducting assessments for industry awards in Asia.


Furthermore, Fosun won the Corporate Governance Awards 2012 - Gold Award from The Asset on the same day. “The Corporate Governance Awards” series was organised by The Asset. It picks enterprises with high corporate governance standards based on their financial performances, corporate governance, corporate social responsibilities, investor relations and others. The series makes assessments based on both quantitative and qualitative criteria.  Regarding the quantitative aspect, enterprises are invited to fill in an online self-evaluation questionnaire and the panel of judges will compile their analyses and assign scores according to a series of assessment criteria. Regarding qualitative measures, the Asset would consult institutional investors for their comments on the candidates.


Fosun is gratified to have received these awards presented by The Asset. They have not only recognised Fosun’s efforts in corporate governance, but also its outstanding performance in grooming itself into a premium investment group leveraging its excellent brand equity. The Group will continue to persist in maintaining transparent and regulated operations, and maintain high standard of corporate governance to protect interest of its shareholders.  As for development of its investment businesses, the Group will continue to apply its investment model of “combining China’s growth momentum with global resources” and strive to become a China expertise with global capacity. Fosun continues its migration into an investment group backed by strong footholds in insurance. It will continue to implement its philosophy of value investment. These efforts have been making steady inroads into establishing Fosun as “a premium investment group with a focus on China’s growth momentum”.


