Liang Xinjun:Entrepreneurship Can Solve Employment Issues and Promote National Economic Growth

Release time:2016-09-05 Content sourced from: Page View:

On September 3, the Business 20 (B20) opened in Hangzhou with a keynote speech delivered by Chinese President Xi Jinping entitled “A New Starting Point for China’s Development, A New Blueprint for Global Growth”. Xi Jinping stressed that China hopes to work together with other countries to build an innovative, open, linked, and inclusive world economy and to promote global growth along a path of strength, sustainability, balance, and inclusive growth.

  As co-chair of the B20 Employment Working Group, Fosun Vice Chairman and CEO Liang Xinjun attended and gave proactive suggestions on behalf of Fosun. At this year’s summit, in order to promote economic growth through innovation, the employment working group proposed the “SMART Innovation Initiative” and is expected to promote the initiative through five specific plans, namely including the establishment of the G20 exchange programs, establishing the “G20 Innovation Visa Scheme”, founding the G20 Technological Innovation Fund, creating the G20 Technological Innovation Sharing Economy Platform, and building the “G20 Brain Platform”.

  Chinese Entrepreneurial Momentum Affects Entrepreneurial Innovation Atmosphere Around the World.

  In an interview with the Central People's Broadcasting Station, Liang noted that guests to this year's B20 summit hosted by China not only included large enterprises such as Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei, but also a large number of small businesses, adding that China's entrepreneurial momentum may influence politicians of other countries to further develop the entrepreneurship and innovation atmosphere in their own countries when solving issues related to employment.

  Entrepreneurship Can Solve Employment Issues and Promote National Economic Growth.

  In an interview with the CCTV Economic Information Network's "G20 Moment", Liang stated: “the results of innovation are, firstly, that I have solved employment for my family, but I have also solved it for tens of thousands of others. More importantly, as entrepreneurial enterprises like Fosun continue to grow, we promote the economic growth of our country as a whole. In this sense, each of us is able to solve the issue of employment in our own way."


