Second Global Insurance CEO Committee Concludes

Release time:2016-05-18 Content sourced from: Page View:

On May 16, the second Global Insurance CEO Committee (GICC) was held in Lisbon, capital of Portugal. Mr. Guo Guangchang, Chairman of Fosun Group, Mr. Wang Qunbin, President of Fosun Group, Mrs. Kang Lan, Vice President of Fosun Group and President of Fosun Insurance Group, as well as CEOs from Fidelidade, Pramerica Fosun, Yong’An, Peak Re, Ironshore, MIG, Zhongheng Insurance Brokers, Nagico and other Fosun’s portfolio companies had lot of important discussions on various topics, such as the future development trends for the insurance market, development and synergies among Fosun insurance business entities.



At the meeting, Chairman Guo Guangchang shared his “six points of leadership thoughts”, elaborating his insights into entrepreneurship and endogenous growth. He also emphasized that Fosun should catch up the digital opportunity,

especially the model of C2M, with a vision to become a world-class insurance



President Wang Qunbin said in his speech that he hoped GICC could start from the existing pain-point of “insurance + investment” business to realize efficient operation underpinned by

projects, to promote synergies among the insurance companies and to bring the

Group’s insurance business to another level.


Jorge Manuel Baptista Magalhaes, CEO of Fidelidade and Chairman of the first GICC said in his speech that the first GICC a year ago brought vitality to Fosun’s insurance companies worldwide

and facilitated synergies between different insurance companies. “In the future, our insurance companies are expected to continue to collaborate with each other

for further development,” he added.


Participating guests gave keynote speeches on the future development trends for insurance, performance evaluation, solvency and credit rating of insurance companies, developments of Fosun Insurance Group, synergies between insurance and healthcare, sharing their thoughts and action plans in respective area. Topics such as digital opportunity, financial market and regulation, cross-business synergies were also discussed, and many guests shared their own case studies.

In addition, this year’s GICC announced that Kevin Kelley, CEO of Ironshore, and Franz Hahn, CEO of Peak Re are the two appointed Chairmen for next year.


