Qiushi Magazine Published a Bylined Article by Mr. Guo Guangchang, Chairman of Fosun

Release time:2012-02-16 Content sourced from: Page View:

(16 February 2012, Shanghai) An bylined article by Mr. Guo Guangchang, Chairman of Fosun Group, titled “Combining ‘China’s Growth Momentum’ with Entrepreneurial Aspiration”, was run in the latest issue of Qiushi Magazine, an institutional subscription-only periodical on politics for the Central Committee of China Communist Party.


In the article, Mr. Guo highlighted China’s growth momentum as the soil rich enough for industrious entrepreneurs to reap harvests. Fosun understands very well the difficulties business start-ups face and adheres to the principle of “Be a law-abiding corporate citizen” as it applies a behavioral framework that highlights "Self-improvement, Teamwork, Performance and Contribution to Society" to fulfillment of its corporate social responsibilities. Mr. Guo also added that Fosun aspires to capitalise on “China’s growth momentum” to develop its core capabilities of establishing a global investment platform, deepen its competitive edges as an enterprise with unparalleled understanding in China while expanding its global capabilities. These strategies will help groom Fosun into "a premium investment group with a focus on China’s growth momentum”. The article outlined Fosun’s concept of “China’s growth momentum” as well as its development and corporate goals.


Qiushi Magazine introduced the article with a foreword, written by its editorial board, that “The experience and insights of Fosun’s founders reflected the generous support from the Communist Party and various levels of the Government as well as the rapidly developing economy under a socialist-market economy framework as a heaven for entreprenuers.”


