Vive Le Frenship: Paris Night Illuminates China-France Friendship

Release time:2024-01-30 Content sourced from: Page View:

On 29 January local time, the "Vive Le Frenship” event was successfully held in Paris, with the display of colorful lanterns, attracting more than 130 guests from France, China, Germany, Portugal and other countries and regions.


On that evening, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Former Prime Minister of France and Special Representative of French President for China, Guo Guangchang, Chairman of Fosun International, Xu Xiaoliang, Co-CEO of Fosun International, Henri Giscard d'Estaing, Co-CEO of Fosun Tourism Group and President of Club Med, Marc-Antoine Jamet, President of Jardin d'Acclimatation and General Secretary of LVMH, together launched the lighting ceremony, instantly lighting up Jardin d'Acclimatation brilliantly.


“Today, we not only lit up the lanterns, but more importantly, we have illuminated a new journey for the year and ignited new dreams for another year!” Guo Guangchang said.


Chinese lanterns illuminate the friendship between China and France


As part of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and “China-France Year of Culture and Tourism”, and the highlighted events for the bilateral cooperation between China and France in 2024, theFestival Dragons et Lanternes opened at Jardin d'Acclimatation on 15 December 2023, showcasing 60 large-scale lantern installations from China and over 2,000 Chinese lanterns to create a splendid and mesmerizing Chinese fantasy world for French audiences.


More than a hundred guests strolled through the park adorned with dazzling lanterns. Mesmerized by the array of dragon totems and mythical creatures inspired by “The Classic of Mountains and Seas," the guests truly experienced the charm and vitality of oriental lifestyle aesthetics.Many guests took out their phones to capture beautiful moments in front of the colorful lantern installations.

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Although Paris and Shanghai are more than 9,000 kilometers apart, the two cities shine brilliantly together during the 72-day lantern festival. At the reception, Jean-Pierre Raffarin said: “The play of light and shadow here captivates us, much like Li Bai’s poetry that intertwines people's thoughts. Lanterns, as a symbol of Chinese culture, also bring people together. This year marks the China-France Year of Culture and Tourism. Culture and tourism serve as platforms to enhance communication and understanding among people. I would like to point out that the collaboration between Fosun and Club Med is a very good example; it is a strategically significant and successful partnership."


The Yu Garden Lantern Festivalis an excellent model for cultural and tourism exchange between China and France. "The 29th edition of Yu Garden Lantern Festival marks its overseas debut since its inception, bringing oriental lifestyle aesthetics to Jardin d'Acclimatation in France." Guo Guangchang said, "As a global enterprise, Fosun generates half of its revenue from overseas. The lantern festival is a reflection of our commitment in implementing the globalization strategy. France is a key area for Fosun's past and future development, and our commitment to France is eternal and sincere."


Joining hands with Club Med to create a resort-style lifestyle together


Fosun’s friendship with France began with its cooperation with Club Med. In 2010, Fosun made its first strategic investment in Club Med, marking the beginning of the profound cooperation between the two parties. In the same year, Club Med quickly opened its first resort in Yabuli, China, laying a solid foundation for Club Med to become a member of Fosun in the future. In 2015, Club Med officially became a member of Fosun, which further accelerated the brand's localization process in the Chinese market. Over the past decade or so, Club Med has leveraged its profound industry heritage and Fosun's insights into the Chinese consumer market to continue to innovate and make breakthroughs.


Since the successful opening of the first ice and snow resort in Yabuli in 2010, Club Med has demonstrated its leading role in China's leisure and vacation service industry. In 2018, Club Med launched a new product line, Club Med Joyview, focusing on suburban vacations, which has been widely favored by consumers since its launch. In 2023, Club Med once again expanded its product range with the launch of a new urban vacation concept, Club Med Urban Oasis, continuing to inject new vitality and innovative elements into China's leisure and vacation service industry.


Xu Xiaoliang said: “2024 is a new starting point, as there are lots of opportunities for innovation and cooperation between the two countries. Club Med focuses on urban vacation and launched the new product line Urban Oasis; the Yu Garden Lantern Festival is going abroad for the first time, and coming to Paris. In the future, as globalization continues, we believe that fashion, tourism, and culture will become more and more attractive. From the Huangpu River to the Seine River, more and more good ideas will come together, and inspire people on both sides.”


Currently, Club Med operates 10 resorts in China, and the number of guests has increased from 20,000 in 2010 to 300,000 in 2023.


Henri Giscard d’Estaing said: “Club Med is a treasure of economic cooperation between China and France, and we are all extremely proud of it. Thanks to our close friendship and strong beliefs, China is now our second largest market in terms of the number of tourists. We will continue our efforts to demonstrate the cooperation between Club Med and Fosun as a testament to Sino-French cooperation.”


Deepening cooperation: Oriental lifestyle aesthetics takes root in Paris


The successful hosing of the Festival Dragons et Lanternes at Jardin d'Acclimatation also represents an invitation from Fosun to various sectors in France, hoping to deepen ties in various fields such as cultural exchange and business cooperation in the future. On the same day, Marc-Antoine Jamet, General Secretary of LVMH, attended the cocktail reception with representatives from more than ten brands of the group, and discussed with Fosun the development direction of the industry and new market opportunities, expressing the potential for further cooperation.


"We are now embarking on an emotional story, a story between China and France, a story between Fosun and LVMH, a tale between Yuyuan and Jardin d'Acclimatation. To write this magnificent story, we need our partners, shared memories, precious encounters, and major events. Thank you for bringing the Yu Garden Lantern Festival to France. We will continue to explore cooperation opportunities between the two parties and hope that this emotional story will bear fruit,” Marc-Antoine Jamet said.


From Yuyuan in Shanghai to Jardin d’Acclimatation in Paris, the collaboration in the Twin City Lantern Festival illustrates that Oriental lifestyle aesthetics is a shared language between the people of China and France.


At the event, a special exhibition area showcasing the Oriental lifestyle aesthetics of Grand Yuyuan was set up. This marks Fosun's collaborative effort with partners in creating a new 'cover' for Shanghai's urban culture, which is presented and promoted overseas for the first time. A panoramic view of the future planning blueprint for the Grand Yuyuan area, presented in the form of a giant sand table, captivated many guests attending the event. This included leaders and representatives from over ten brands under the LVMH Group. With a detailed introduction through videos and explanations by the staff, the guests fully experienced the charm of Oriental lifestyle aesthetics unveiled by this 'fashionable garden'.


In addition, the exhibition, performances, and cuisine of the Paris Night also reflect the characteristics of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures. Yuyuan Inc. brought renowned Chinese time-honored brands such as Shanghai Watch, Seagull Watch, and TonghanChuntang to Jardin d’Acclimatation. Among them, the sachets from TonghanChuntang were collaboratively crafted by Suzhou embroidery craftsmen and French designers, paying homage to the longstanding friendship between the two countries. Guests from various countries also savored freshly steamed Nanxiang steamed buns prepared by chefs from Nanxiang Mantou Dian, cocktails featuring Chinese Baijiu Shede, and desserts crafted by St Hubert, all of which received high praise.


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Guests also enjoyed various wonderful performances. The joyful G.Os from Club Med brought an enthusiastic and dynamic dance.The Tai Chi performance, jointly recommended by Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris, showcased their talents. Additionally, Chinese Dai ethnic solo dance "Deep in the Bamboo Grove," evoked resonance between Chinese and Western cultures.


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Currently, Fosun has over 10,000 employees in France, making it the largest Chinese private company investing in the country. Its diversified businesses include Club Med, Lanvin, Tridem Pharma, PAREF, Djula, St Hubert, Cenexi, and others.


