WE Volunteer | SDG Popularization Month

Release time:2023-08-04 Content sourced from: Page View:

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The fifth themed month of WE Volunteer——July’s “SDG Popularization Month” comes to a close! In response to the current challenges all around the world, the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) were adopted by United Nations in 2015 calling for action by all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. Over the past month, we invited Fosun ecosystem partners to join our SDGs Popularization Lecture and other activities and called for action to meet the goals.


We designed 4 slogans about SDGs. Let’s put them in our workplace!

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Recommended Place: Dining Area

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Recommended Place:

Break Room & Washroom

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Recommended Place:

Next to the printer

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Recommended Place:

Next to the switches

If you have more fun ideas,

please contact us!

We also have many offline activities this month.


In July, the Fosun Foundation collaborated with eight Fosun ecosystem partners, namely Pramerica Fosun, Fosun Trade, Administrative Excellence Centre, Employee Ecosystem Experience Department, Corporate Culture Department, Topsperity Securities, ESG Management Committee, and Carbon Neutrality Committee. We also received support from six external partners, including Pramerica Financial, Shanghai Jiulong Model Middle School, Shanghai Qingcongquan Training Center for Children with Special Needs, Buy 42 Shantaowang, "15 Year Plan" Homeless Pets Adoption Charity Group, and Knowledge & Innovation Community Garden in Shanghai Yangpu. Together, we actively participate in SDG activities and work towards building a sustainable green world.


Let's take a look at the exciting events that took place in July.

Emerging Visionaries


On July 11th, guided by Shanghai People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Emerging Visionaries National Summit & Ceremony was hosted by Pramerica Financial, Fosun Foundation, Pramerica Fosun, and Fosun Trade and organized by Shanghai Jiulong Model Middle School. Five winning students shared how they carried out their innovative pro bono initiatives focusing on SDG 3 (GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING), SDG 4 (QUALITY EDUCATION), SDG 5 (GENDER EQUALITY), and SDG 10 (REDUCED INEQUALITIES).

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This time we initiated Employee's Choice Award aiming to popularize youth charity programs among employees and provide a platform for them to contribute their efforts for the public good. More than 500 employees from diverse industries of Fosun ecosystem selected the participating projects with professionalism, sustainability, scalability and replicability.

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ESG Ambassador Week

From July 9th to 14th, Fosun invited the heads of CSR/ ESG and sustainable development departments from Fosun's overseas industry, Club Med, Fidelidade, HAL, Wolves Foundation, Fosun Hive Overseas, and IDERAto share their experience and initiatives about sustainable development. They not only participated in a wealth of internal CSR activities of Fosun, but also discussed ideas with principals from 9 middle schools in Shanghai on how to empower Chinese students' philanthropy programs and SDG activities. At the same time, they popularized the SDGs and shared their valuable experience in promoting the ESG strategies through video clips.

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Movers Workshop


From July 13th to 27th, in collaboration with Topsperity Securities, Fosun conducted workshops with the themes of “Tell Your Own Story” and “SDG 4 QUALITY EDUCATION” to raise awareness about the SDGs and popularize Fosun’s diverse actions to promote the realization of SDGs among teenagers.

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SDGs Popularization Lecture


In collaboration with Administrative Excellence Centre, Employee Ecosystem Experience Department, and Corporate Culture Department, we held two lectures themed on “Sustainable Development and Our Life” to call for action to build a sustainable world.


On July 25th, at BFC, Fosuners donated unused items with a total weight of 9.04kg, resulting in a reduction of 48.364kg carbon emissions. we hope that more Fosuners will participate in this event, and work together to create sustainable living environment.

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On July 30th, Fosun Foundation organized a mid-year volunteer activity. To raise their awareness of SDGs, we displayed slogans of the SDGs and played a video centered on SDG 11 (SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES) about initiatives Fosun Hive had taken to provide a more practical city-industry integration solution in Singapore, Japan and other countries. Besides, volunteers hand-painted SDGs slogans that can be displayed in communities or homes to popularize SDGs.

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In addition, there were other exciting activities!

Care for Children with Autism

In collaboration with Shanghai Qingcongquan Training Center for Children with Special Needs, Fosun Foundation held two activities to care for children with autism, such as encouraging the students to finish their paintings and accompanying them when they were reading and writing on July 6th and 7th.

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KIC Garden Family Volunteer Activity


On July 30th, Fosun employees and their family members gathered at the KIC Garden in Yangpu District. Parents and children worked together to dig soil, add fertilizer, plant seedlings, bury them, and water them. Through this activity, Fosun colleagues and their children were inspired to contribute to environmental protection and urban greening.


Fosun Employee Experience Operation Director Kit Shen said that Fosun focuses on promoting the culture of “Contribution to Society” and supports employees to carry out all kinds of public welfare activities to fulfill Fosun Group's commitment of 30,000 annual volunteer hours.

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Screen Printing Activity


On July 8th, Fosun Foundation collaborated with Ant Foundation and Buy 42 Shantaowang to invite Fosuners and their kids to participate in the Screen Painting Activity. Volunteers tried screen painting, bringing new life to those unused fabrics.

Pet Adoption Event


With the support of the “15 Year Plan” Homeless Pets Adoption Charity Group, the Pet Adoption Event was successfully held again this month. FOSTAR worked to find new homes for homeless animals and witnessed the strong emotional bond between humans and animals.

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WE Volunteer

To fulfill Fosun Group's commitment of 30,000 annual volunteer hours by its employees, and to practice the initial intention of " Self-improvement, Teamwork, Performance, and Contribution to society" the WE Volunteer employee volunteer project was launched. Each month, a different theme is set and Fosun ecosystem partners are invited to initiate a series of activities around their own resource advantages and CSR ideals, attracting Fosun employees to participate and co-create, to build a more open and inclusive corporate CSR culture and atmosphere.


Let's Make A Lasting Impact Together.


