Fosun’s 30th Anniversary Happy Market Gathers More Than 30 Brands at The Weekend Market@BFC, Paving the Way for a Brighter Life

Release time:2022-12-11 Content sourced from: Page View:

(11 December 2022) Fosun's 30th anniversary Happy Market was held at the Weekend Market@BFC from 10 December to 11 December. Themed around "bringing happiness home," the market featured more than 30 brands under Fosun, offering a variety of good products and services and fun interactive activities for guests to enjoy.



The Weekend Market@BFC is located at the Bund Finance Center in Shanghai. As a trendy hotspot, the Happy Market was decorated with bright orange designs, representing youth, vitality and vigor. The Happy Market was held in a prime location with the best view of the Shanghai skyline and featured many creative slogans themed around happiness, offering a warm holiday experience.



All market stalls were packed with guests, showcasing a vibrant market. City God Temple of Shanghai presented many time-honored and classic delicacies such as Ningbo glutinous rice balls, Nanxiang steamed buns, Songhelou Suzhou-style noodles; Tong Han Chun Tang 24 solar terms tea, St. Hubert dairy products, Boohee healthy snacks, Meizhou Dongpo signature dishes, and Tuopai liquor to satisfy everyone’s tastes.

In addition, the market featured new products and interactive activities brought by Wanbang Hanfang, Laomiao, LUSANT, Fosun Foundation (Shanghai), AHAVA, Tom Tailor, Shanghai Watch, Read & Social@The Bund, Casa Cook, Hulunbuir sightseeing train, Fosun Sports, etc., covering health, fashion, art, books and magazines, tourism, sports, etc. to provide guests with a wonderful experience of delicious treats, good products, and interactive activities.

Moreover, the market was transformed into a playground perfect for kids. In the play area, parents and children can take pictures together and customize their own "happy lucky bags"; in the game zone, traditional games such as pitch-pot added a simple charm to the market; in the capsule toy area, crowds gathered to unveil the surprise inside the capsule; the air ticket lucky draw received an overwhelming response from guests. While having fun at the Happy Market, guests captured happy moments with their phone and shared them on WeChat Moments.

The two-day Happy Market attracted many guests to immerse themselves in light, warmth, happiness, enjoying the beauty of ordinary life in laughter.

“The Happy Market is not just an ordinary market, the Weekend Market@BFC is not just a pedestrian zone, but also a practice of Fosun's mission of 'creating happier lives for families worldwide,’” said the staff in charge of the Weekend Market@BFC. Since its launch in June 2020, the Weekend Market@BFC has been committed to creating a memorable weekend for guests. Through the open and diverse market experience and fun interactive activities, it has attracted more than 14 million visits, and has cooperated with more than 675 brands. "In the future, this beautiful experience unique to the Bund in Shanghai will continue to bring happiness to more people."




