Reimaging the Future of Healthcare | Dr. Wang Xingli, President of Fosun Pharma Global R&D Center, attends the Asia Summit on Global Health

Release time:2023-05-21 Content sourced from: Page View:

On 17-18 May, the 3rd Asia Summit on Global Health (ASGH) was successfully held in Hong Kong SAR. Focusing on the innovative scientific researches and inventions in the global healthcare field, ASGH brought together experts from global medical and healthcare, scientific research, government, finance and other fields, injecting new impetus and bringing new opportunities to the development of global healthcare industry. Dr. Wang Xingli, CEO of Fosun Pharma Global R&D Center, was invited to attend and participate in the plenary session of "Reimagining the Future of Healthcare", to discuss with guests the key issues and development opportunities affecting the future of healthcare industry, and to share Fosun Pharma's experience in innovative R&D and global cooperation.


Co-organized by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), the ASGH brought together more than 90 healthcare government officials and organizations from 20 countries and regions around the world, international science and medical experts, university academics and researchers, investors, industry experts and financial specialists etc., to discuss and share their valuable experience and latest developments in medical technology, public health, international business cooperation and investment, and explore the future of the healthcare ecosystem and the opportunities it presents.

At present, Chinese medical and healthcare companies are getting more involved in international cooperation and global competition. Many sectors would like to know how Chinese enterprises will seize the development opportunities in the global medical and healthcare field, fully participate in and utilize the innovative technology development and R&D achievements of the global medical and healthcare field.

Dr. Wang Xingli said, “Facing the development opportunities and challenges in the global medical and healthcare market, Fosun Pharma has been deeply involved in global cooperation and international competition. On the one hand, we must focus on innovative R&D, global R&D and cutting-edge technology development, and seize new opportunities. On the other hand, we must benchmark against world-class multinational pharmaceutical companies, learn from their mature experience and management methods, and continuously improve our comprehensive hard skills, so as to continuously attract top-notch talents from the global medical and healthcare industry, and successfully promote international cooperation and the launch of innovative products.”


As a global innovation-driven pharmaceutical and healthcare industry group rooted in China, Fosun Pharma continues to promote innovation and transformation, and comprehensively accelerates its international layout. The company focuses on core therapeutic areas such as tumors (solid tumors and hematological tumors), immunology, central nervous system, and chronic diseases (liver disease/metabolism/kidney disease), and emphasizes strengthening small molecules, antibodies/ADC, cell therapy, RNA and other core technical platforms, creating an open and global innovative R&D system. Through independent research and development, cooperative development, license-in, and in-depth incubation, the company continues to enrich its product pipelines and promote the R&D and commercialization of more FIC (First-in-class) and BIC (Best-in-class) products.


In recent years, a number of innovative products and indications of Fosun Pharma have been approved for marketing. As of the end of March 2023, the revenue structure of Fosun Pharma had experienced consistent optimization, thanks to the increased revenue generated by new and sub-new products such as Han Si Zhuang (serplulimab injection), Han Qu You (trastuzumab injection), Su Ke Xin (avatrombopag maleate tablets), and Jie Bei An (azvudine tablets).

Taking the global cooperation of mRNA vaccines as an example, Dr. Wang Xingli shared Fosun Pharma's experience in innovative R&D and global cooperation. In March 2020, Fosun Pharma was licensed by BioNTech to exclusively develop and commercialize COVID-19 vaccines based on its proprietary mRNA technology platform in the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan region. At present, Comirnaty BNT162b2 and Comirnaty bivalent mRNA vaccines have been officially registered in Hong Kong SAR, and approved as a regular imported vaccines in Macau SAR, fully covering the public and private markets. The related dosage forms for children and infants have been granted emergency use authorization (EUA) for the government vaccination programs in Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, respectively. Since its launch to the end of February 2023, more than 31 million doses had been administered in Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan region.



About Fosun Pharma


Founded in 1994, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd.*("Fosun Pharma"; stock code: 600196. SH, 02196. HK) is a global innovation-driven pharmaceutical and healthcare industry group. Fosun Pharma directly operates businesses including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, medical diagnosis, and healthcare services. As a shareholder of Sinopharm Co., Ltd., Fosun Pharma expands its areas in the pharmaceutical distribution and retail business.


Fosun Pharma is patient-centered and clinical needs-oriented. The company continuously enriches its innovative product pipeline through independent research and development, cooperative development, license-in, and in-depth incubation. Fosun Pharma improves the research and clinical development capabilities of FIC (First-in-class) and BIC (Best-in-class) new drugs as well as accelerates the R&D and launch of innovative technologies and products.


Guided by the 4IN strategy (Innovation, Internationalization, Intelligentization, and Integration), Fosun Pharma will uphold the development model of “Innovation Transformation, Integrated Operation and Steady Growth", with the mission of creating shareholder values through strengthening its independent R&D and external cooperation and enriching its product pipelines, as well as promoting the global networks and enhancing operational efficiency. Fosun Pharma will actively promote the digital and physical business layout in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry and is committed to becoming a first-class enterprise in the global medical and health market.


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