Story of Supporting Hong Kong’s Anti-epidemic Efforts: Let us Protect the Elderly

Release time:2022-03-29 Content sourced from: Page View:
Since the fifth wave of the epidemic broke out in Hong Kong, residential care homes (RCHs) for the elderly and persons with disabilities have become the hardest hit areas. According to statistics from the Centre for Health Protection (CHP), Department of Health, the Government of the Hong Kong SAR, shows that since the outbreak of the fifth wave of the epidemic, people aged 60 and above have accounted for more than 90% of the total deaths. Fosun Foundation has also prioritized the distribution of the materials to the elderly in its donation of HK$10 million anti-epidemic materials to aid Hong Kong.

Freeman Mak Chi-Fung, colleague of Fosun Pharma vaccine business team for Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR, is also one of the frontline staff of Fosun Foundation’s anti-epidemic action in Hong Kong. He is constantly on the go to assist non-profit organizations serving the elderly and RCHs for the elderly during this wave of epidemic.

During the epidemic, Freeman noticed that the local transport services continued to be reduced, and the door-to-door courier service commonly used in Hong Kong as well as the local parcel and courier services have also been suspended. Meanwhile, the news reported that frontline staff, nursing staff and elderly residents in RCHs for the elderly lack of anti-epidemic equipment and materials. Freeman and his colleagues agreed that “we do not want them to wait for the materials. If they can get the materials a day earlier, it will greatly reduce their risk of infection. Therefore, we personally delivered the materials to the RCHs for the elderly to alleviate their urgent needs.” Up until now, Freeman has visited approximately 20 organizations in total and visited at most 4 organizations a day.

▲ Freeman Mak Chi-Fung (right), colleague of Fosun Pharma vaccine business team for Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR, together with Lilian Chan (middle), Executive Secretary of the Cancer Crusade Angels Service Society of Hong Kong, donate anti-epidemic materials to Siu Ying-Ha (left), Superintendent of Elderly Homes, Western District of Cultural Homes 

The Cancer Crusade Angels Service Society of Hong Kong, which was one the many organizations that Freeman liaised with, was founded by a group of doctors, nurses and laboratory scientists who are dedicated to social services in 1987. Since its establishment, it has been serving RCHs for the elderly, nursing centers, and schools for a long period of time. Ms Lilian Chan, Executive Secretary of Cancer Crusade Angels Service Society of Hong Kong, is no stranger to Hong Kong people, especially women in Hong Kong. Ms Chan has been working as a nurse for more than 45 years. She has been promoting cancer prevention since joining the Cancer Crusade Angels Service Society of Hong Kong in 1987. Ms Chan said, “This once-in-a-century COVID-19 epidemic can be said to have caught the entire human race off guard. In the fifth wave of the epidemic, Hong Kong RCHs have become the hardest hit area, mainly due to the low vaccination rate among the elderly in Hong Kong.”

In 2006, the Cancer Crusade Angels Service Society of Hong Kong became one of the first institutions in Hong Kong to provide HPV vaccination. For many years, Ms Chan has been actively carrying out popularization and promotion of vaccines. “We have been promoting vaccinations for many years and have always believed that vaccines are an effective way to protect humans from viruses. According to many medical studies, vaccines can effectively reduce the risk of severe illness and death after COVID-19 infection.” Lilian Chan said, “The elderly, who have lower immunity, are inevitably vulnerable to COVID-19 infection. In addition to continuing to call on Hong Kong citizens to get vaccinated and to encourage high-risk groups such as the elderly and children to get vaccinated as soon as possible, we also hope that more caring organizations like Fosun Foundation will donate anti-epidemic materials to support our industry in fighting the epidemic.”

▲ Siu Ying-Ha, Superintendent of Elderly Homes, Western District of Cultural Homes distributes the COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits donated by Fosun Foundation to the elderly

Elderly Homes, Western District of Cultural Homes is one of the service targets of the Cancer Crusade Angels Service Society of Hong Kong. Siu Ying-Ha, Superintendent of Elderly Homes, Western District of Cultural Homes has been working in the industry for 24 years, said, “We learned that many RCHs have had outbreaks. Our frontline nurses and nursing staff are facing a great deal workload and pressure every day, but we still stick to our posts and continue to take care of the elderly.” The anti-epidemic materials donated by Fosun Foundation have greatly alleviated the pressing needs at the Elderly Homes, Western District of Cultural Homes. Siu Ying-Ha said, “As feeling depressed will also reduce our immunity against the virus, so we have to keep on smiling and cheering for our residents in the hope that the epidemic will end as soon as possible.”

Recently, Fosun Foundation's anti-epidemic action to donate HK$10 million anti-epidemic materials to Hong Kong completed successfully, a total of approximately 1.15 million pieces of materials have arrived in Hong Kong in three batches, including COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits, N95 respirators, level 3 surgical masks, children's face masks, protective suits, isolation gowns, forehead thermometers, finger pulse oximeters, which have been distributed to the elderly, children and frontline anti-epidemic personnel as top priority.

