Story of Supporting Hong Kong’s Anti-epidemic Efforts:Hong Kong-born Footballer Dai Wai Tsun and Fosun Foundation Join Hands to Combat the Epidemic

Release time:2022-04-04 Content sourced from: Page View:
Since Fosun Foundation announced the donation of HK$10 million anti-epidemic materials to Hong Kong on 19 February 2022, in addition to Fosun team who has been deploying materials in an orderly manner to support Hong Kong’s anti-epidemic efforts, many warm-hearted people have also been closely following the epidemic situation in Hong Kong. As the fifth wave of the epidemic is raging in Hong Kong, Dai Wai Tsun (戴偉浚), a Hong Kong-born footballer, who is currently in Chinese Mainland, is very concerned about the situation in Hong Kong. Under the coordination of the Fosun Foundation, Dai Wai Tsun and Fosun Foundation jointly donated 15,000 pieces of face masks and 5,000 sets of COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits to Methodist Center in Hong Kong. The anti-epidemic materials have been distributed to those in need such as elderly care centers, frontline nursing staff of residential care homes, and the elderly.

Alex Wong Yat-Hin (王逸軒) from the Medical Affairs Department of Fosun Pharma Global R&D Center, is one of the frontline staff of Fosun Foundation’s Hong Kong anti-epidemic action responsible for the coordination of donated materials in Hong Kong. He also happens to be Dai Wai Tsun’s alumni. Speaking of his junior, Alex is very proud, “He is a great football player, and a very responsible person who took on social responsibilities at such a young age. As a senior to him, I am very proud of him.”

Weathering the epidemic together day and night

Alex is also a very responsible person of the post-90s generation. Since Fosun launched its anti-epidemic action in Hong Kong in February this year, he and his colleagues from other departments have actively joined the anti-epidemic relief team. In addition to their busy work schedules, they have undertaken the task of contacting donation recipients in Hong Kong. Facing the daunting yet trivial task, Alex had to communicate with each institution several times, and he often worked till late at night, but he had no complaint at all, “Everyone sticks to their posts during the epidemic. The organizations that I work with mainly serve the elderly and children, and these two groups are the people most affected by this wave of epidemic in Hong Kong. I hope to do my part to help them and protect their health.” Up until now, Alex has contacted more than 20 grassroots organizations and more than 160,000 materials are expected to be donated to those organizations.

During the anti-epidemic action in Hong Kong, Alex was often moved by the people around him. The Aberdeen Kaifong Welfare Association Services Centre serves the needs of the elderly, children and youth, families and communities in the southern district of Hong Kong. After the outbreak, employees continue to safeguard the frontline and maintain normal services. When Alex learned that the organization urgently needed anti-epidemic materials such as COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits, he swiftly contacted Fosun Foundation and arranged the delivery of anti-epidemic materials to the staff at the Aberdeen Kaifong Welfare Association Services Centre in just five days. The social workers and medical staff of the Aberdeen Kaifong Welfare Association Services Centre are very grateful and immediately distributed the COVID-19 antigen test kits to families in need, and made instructional videos to guide the elderly, children and families. Alex said, “I am incredibly touched that in the most difficult time in Hong Kong, everyone sticks to their posts and works diligently. Helping those around us is also helping us. We can definitely overcome the epidemic.”

Never Forget About Hong Kong, Protecting Hong Kong Against the Epidemic

Dai Wai Tsun, is a Hong Kong-born young professional footballer. The most talked about moment is that when he played in the Premier League for Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. in the 2019 season, the midfield rookie born in 1999 scored an amazing goal for Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. as the starting lineup. After training with the Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C., Dai Wai Tsun returned to the Chinese Mainland to continue his career.

Hong Kong is facing the severe fifth wave of epidemic, Dai Wai Tsun said, “All my family members are in Hong Kong, and I am very worried about them. I often remind them to stay at home as much as possible and to take precautions. I hope that the situation will get better soon.” Although he cannot accompany and take care of his family in Hong Kong, Dai Wai Tsun hopes to do his best to support Hong Kong’s fight against the epidemic and help more families get through this challenging time, “I used to play for Fosun’s Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C., and I noticed that Fosun Foundation always actively reaches out to those in need. Fosun Foundation immediately donated HK$10 million anti-epidemic materials to support Hong Kong's fight against the epidemic, so I tried to contact them and hope that we can make joint contribution.”

Dai Wai Tsun hopes to do his part to assist Hong Kong

Under the coordination of the Fosun Foundation, Dai Wai Tsun and Fosun Foundation jointly donated 15,000 pieces of face masks and 5,000 sets of COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits to the Methodist Center in Hong Kong, an elderly service center that provides home and daytime care services for hundreds of elderly families on Hong Kong Island. Dai Wai Tsun said, “I hope these materials can help everyone stay healthy and away from the virus, especially the elderly.” Most of the social workers, therapists, cleaners, security guards, food delivery staff and other frontline workers in the Methodist Center hold fast to their positions during the epidemic, and are ready to provide uninterrupted services for the elderly at all times.

On behalf of Fosun Foundation and Dai Wai Tsun, Alex Wong Yat-Hin from the Medical Affairs Department of Fosun Pharma Global R&D Center, donated anti-epidemic materials to the Methodist Center and the elderly who were at the center on the day

After receiving the anti-epidemic materials, Methodist Centre immediately sent the materials to elderly care centers to support the frontline nursing staff and the elderly in fighting against the epidemic

