Hospital da Luz Lisboa with Maximum Rating of Clinical Excellence

Release time:2022-01-12 Content sourced from: Page View:{state: 1}

The evaluation by the Health Regulatory Authority assigned Hospital da Luz Lisboa the maximum of stars in clinical excellence.

January 10, 2022 - Hospital da Luz Lisboa is the hospital in the country with the largest number of clinical areas classified with the maximum rating of excellence, according to the latest evaluation performed by the national Health Regulatory Authority (ERS), in the context of the SINAS program (National System of Evaluation in Health). The HLL obtained maximum rating in six out of the ten clinical areas submitted to the evaluation of the regulating authority in the sector (a number only equalled by Hospital de Braga).

SINAS is an evaluation system of global quality in healthcare providing establishments, with volunteer participation. This report refers to the period between the 1st July 2018 and the 30th June 2019.

The maximum rating (three stars) is assigned when the results are higher to the average of the totality of healthcare providers englobed in the evaluation (156). The Hospital da Luz Lisboa obtained such rating in the following areas:

  • General Surgery (Colon Surgery);
  • Vascular Surgery (Arterial Revascularization Surgery);
  • Intensive Care (Intensive Care Unit);
  • Gynaecology (Hysterectomy);
  • Neurology (Cerebral Vascular Accident – Stroke);
  • Orthopaedics (Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty).

Furthermore, the HLL obtained a high rating (two stars) in other four clinical areas:

  • Cardiology (Acute Myocardial Infarction – AMI);
  • Cardiac Surgery (Myocardial Revascularization Surgery);
  • Cardiac Surgery (Heart Valve Surgery and other Non-coronary Cardiac Surgery);
  • Orthopaedics (Proximal Femur Fractures).

Maximum ratings for the 11th consecutive year

This was the 11th consecutive year that Hospital da Luz Lisboa was evaluated by ERS in the context of SINAS program. Also in previous years, the hospital obtained the maximum ratings of clinical excellence in these major areas of healthcare providing.

These results confirm the strong investment of Hospital da Luz Lisboa in quality medicine and reinforce the value of the largest private hospital of Luz Saúde group, as a healthcare provider of reference.

Other units of Hospital da Luz network with high or maximum ratings

Four other units of Hospital da Luz network also submitted themselves to the ERS evaluation and all obtained the maximum rating of clinical excellence in the area of Orthopaedics (Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty) – namely Hospital da Luz Arrábida, Hospital da Luz Aveiro, Hospital da Luz Póvoa de Varzim and Hospital da Luz Setúbal.

Hospital da Luz Arrábida (in Vila Nova de Gaia) also obtained the maximum rating in Gynaecology (Hysterectomy) and high ratings in other four clinical areas: Orthopaedics (Proximal Femur Fractures), Delivery and Prenatal Care, Colon Surgery, Myocardial Revascularization Surgery and Heart Valve Surgery, and other Non-coronary Cardiac Surgery).


