Guo Guangchang: The First Dose! The novel coronavirus mRNA vaccine has officially started the human clinical trial in China

Release time:2020-07-29 Content sourced from: Page View:

The fight against the COVID-19 is far from over, and I believe that the development of vaccines is the issue that everyone is most concerned about in this process. First, I would like to share two pieces of good news about the novel coronavirus vaccine:



On July 28, the Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention announced that Fosun Pharma had successfully vaccinated the first batch of 36 volunteers in the phase I clinical trial of the novel coronavirus mRNA vaccine authorized by BioNTech in Germany. Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention is in charge of the phase I clinical trial of the vaccine with the participation of Taizhou City Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Taizhou People’s Hospital.



In the meantime, our global partners BioNTech and Pfizer also announced yesterday that the novel coronavirus mRNA vaccine BNT162b2, which has obtained the Fast-Track designation granted by the US FDA, has officially launched a phase 2/3 clinical study around the world.



These important milestones in the research and development process have made us feel very excited, and we also look forward to the global marketing of the vaccine in China at the same time as Germany and the United States after the successful completion of the clinical trial. Vaccines are our ultimate weapons to defeat the novel coronavirus and the epidemic, in which the hope of all humanity is placed. The research and development of vaccines have long been more than just a competition in the research and development capabilities between biotech companies. I think that it is a test of whether all humanity can unite and work together. The research and development process of vaccines is full of unknowns and uncertainties. In the face of the virus, complaining to each other is meaningless, and cooperation is the only way to solve the problems. The reason for us to carry out the international research and development cooperation and market development is to bring better, faster, cheaper, and more humane products to the patients. I also want to thank the vaccine approval agencies in various countries, including the National Medical Products Administration of China, the Federal Ministry of Health and vaccine approval agency of Germany, and the US FDA for their high efficiency and decisive execution in these special times. Although the novel coronavirus epidemic has brought many problems to the world, the cooperation and innovation of all humanity have given us hope to solve the problems. Only by working together can we benefit the health of all humanity.



The future of Fosun with innovation as its core strategic development objective has been further clarified through this epidemic. Innovation has always been the main battlefield for our strategic development, and we also received some good news from Henlius. As a leading company in the field of innovative drugs in China, the Company’s second product, HLX02, was officially approved by the European Commission and became the first monoclonal antibody biosimilar of “Chinese nationality” to enter the European market, setting a precedent for Chinese pharmaceutical companies to participate in the “World Cup” competition for monoclonal antibody biosimilars. As a major product under Fosun, HLX02 will represent a biological drug of international quality produced in China, serving more HER-positive breast and gastric cancer patients worldwide. What makes me feel even more gratified is that, in addition to being the first monoclonal antibody biosimilar of “Chinese nationality” to enter the European market, HLX02 is also expected to be marketed in China this year, becoming the first trastuzumab biosimilar approved for marketing in China to enhance the health and well-being of the Chinese people.



In the future, I look forward to the persistent efforts, incessant innovation, and continuous progress from the colleagues of Fosun in using more products of international quality to benefit more families around the world. We will also invest more resources in the field of technological innovation, cooperate with top teams, and work together for the health, happiness, and prosperity of people around the world!


