Creating More Value for Shareholders

Release time:2016-06-01 Content sourced from: Page View:

  During the Q&A session of

the Annual General Meeting, members of the board engaged in candid and sincere

interactions with investors from different regions on various issues, including

share price performance, dividend policies, corporate strategies and overseas

investments. Chairman Guo Guangchang showed his deep appreciation to public

shareholders for their consistent concern and support for Fosun, noting that the

corporate management and staff members have been engaged in steadfast efforts as

part of their commitment to creating value for shareholders. He also voiced his

optimism about future progress given that the company is now advancing

consistently on the right track.

  Guo Guangchang commented that

Fosun will continue to focus on satisfying the demand for “wealth, health and

happiness” of Chinese families, with the aim that Fosun will become a world

leader in these three aspects. First of all the insurance sector, as the core of

the wealth segment, represents an important component of Fosun’s “insurance +

investment” twin drivers, and it is anticipated that Fosun’s insurance business

will exhibit its own characteristics and leading qualities and that it will

someday account for approximately one half of the Group’s total assets and

profits. Secondly, Fosun will strive to support the building of

interconnectivity amongst the healthcare, pharmaceutical and health insurance

sectors, which is Fosun’s most important undertaking for the next three to five

years as it becomes a distinctive, globally-leading enterprise actively

leveraging interactions between health insurance on the one hand, and healthcare

and pharmaceutical services on the other. Thirdly, Fosun makes significant

efforts promoting the development of its tourism segment, so that it will attain

strong competitiveness and a leading position in the global arena. The three

aspects mentioned above will become crucial pillars underpinning Fosun’s profit

growth and sector development.  

  Fosun’s Development Aided by

“Unicorn” Strategy and “Partnership System”

  Regarding Fosun’s development

strategies toward which shareholders voiced concern, Fosun Group’s Deputy

Chairman and CEO Liang Xinjun said that in addition to its long-standing

strategies of “Combining China’s Growth Momentum with Global Resources” and

“Insurance + Investment”, the Group will fully pursue its light asset strategy

this year in its commitment to reducing debt ratios and enhancing its ranking.

The dedication to the identification of “Unicorn” projects (those associated

with an appreciation of USD 1 billion within two years) will represent Fosun’s

major direction regarding its new investments, and it will also promote an light

asset transformation regarding its existing assets such as those in the tourism

and healthcare sectors. Fosun’s net debt ratio has been continuously declining

over the past three years, and going forward Fosun will continue to reduce its

debts while focusing on its organic growth in accumulating net assets, disposing

of its assets for liability reduction and adjusting stock liabilities.

  Regarding the “Global

Partnership” system, at the Annual General Meeting, executive director and

President Wang Qunbin further elaborated to investors the emphasis placed on the

partner model that would contribute to the company’s long-term sustainable

development. Wang Qunbin explained that the “Partnership System” can firstly

attract more distinguished talent, aligning their own interests with the

company’s development. Secondly, the system accords more importance to

professional competencies and the contribution made to the organization, thus

requiring partners to maintain their entrepreneurial acumen and to have high

recognition for Fosun’s corporate culture and values from the bottom of their

hearts. Thirdly, Fosun will promote its partner model at various levels, meaning

that it will be implemented within Fosun International and invested enterprises,

as well as in professional teams or regional team settings. Lastly, Fosun will

leverage the internet and artificial intelligence as a means of trimming the

size of its front office investment teams while forging inter-connections and

strengthening its middle and back offices, thereby further enhancing the

partnership system.  

  Investing Means Doing the

“Right” Thing

  At the closing, Chairman Guo

Guangchang further elaborated one of the Fosun investments principles – “some

has to be done, but some other things must not be”. Guo Guangchang concluded, a

sophisticated investor must have the courage to relinquish investment when a

given investment turns out to have been inadvisable, even at the very last

moment. This is a fundamental attribution that sophisticated investors must

possess, and is indeed possessed by Fosun. Currently, Fosun’s development

priorities lie in focusing on organic growth, the integration of intra-group

resources and the continuous refining of its product power, as to launch

products and services that astonish clients. This year, Fosun Group has been

making determined efforts to establish its core insurance wealth management

capabilities for supporting its affiliated insurance companies in expansion

through mergers and consolidations, and to achieve substantial progress in the

forging of inter-connections between health insurance and healthcare segments.

Fosun will also strive to grasp diversified opportunities on

customer-to-manufacturer (C2M)model, while also utilizing mobile internet

technologies to fulfill customer demand, thereby to form a closed-loop


  Guo Guangchang Presents Stunning

Moments at Annual General Meeting & Fosun Fair


Fosun’s annual general meeting, Guo Guangchang acted as an anchor to present

stunning moments of the fair-like meeting to everybody through a live streaming


