Fosun announces donation of RMB5 million to frontline Fukushima rescue forces

Release time:2011-03-24 Content sourced from: Page View:

(Shanghai, 24 March 2011) Fosun Group (“Fosun”) donated RMB5 million through Red Cross China to the frontline rescue workers at the nuclear-crisis-stricken area in Fukushima and their family members. We are the first Chinese company earmarking the donation specifically for the frontline rescue workers and their family members after the earthquake happened. Mr.Kawauchi Toshio, Consul of Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai, Mr. Ma Qiang, Executive Vice President of Red Cross Society of China Shanghai Branch, Mr. Lu Yongxin, Deputy Director of People's Congress Shanghai Putuo District, Ms. Jing Ying, Deputy District Chief of Putuo and Chairman of Red Cross Society of China Shanghai Branch Putuo District, Ms. Chai Xiaomiao, Vice Chairman of CPPCC Shanghai Putuo District and Mr. Wang Qunbin, President of Fosun have attended the donation ceremony.


The outbreak of the nuclear crisis in Fukushima, Japan attracted attention from around the world. The 50 front-line workers in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex have been trying to shield the rest of the public from nuclear threats using their bodies. Not only are they being watched by the whole world but have been respected by most people around the globe.


Mr. Wang Qunbin, President of Fosun, said, “Similar to Japan, China is also a country plagued by frequent disasters, such as earthquake happened in Sichuan in 2008. We feel the same pains that Japanese people suffered from this earthquake. Their respectable calm, iron will and spirit to tackle the difficulties in confronting the disaster have moved the world. Most of them sacrifice themselves to save the lives of other people. The 50 front-line workers in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex are risking their health and even lives in exchange for healthy livelihood of a greater number of people. This donation might not be of great help to the rescue workers. Yet we very much hope to pay our tribute to the action of these workers and express our gratitude to their efforts and contributions to the environment and health of human beings. Fosun will stay vigilant to the latest development of the incident and is ready to offer more assistance to people affected by the rescue mission.”


Representative of ConsulateGeneral of Japan in Shanghai expressed thanks to Chinese companies for their concerns and regards for Japanese people. Following the earthquake in Japan on 11 March, the Chinese government offered material aid to Japan and swiftly send an international rescue team to help with the disaster relief operations. With the support of various sides, the Japanese government and Japanese people made collective efforts to fight the disaster and display confidence in overcoming the difficulties. He said the disaster relief operation and rebuilding involve massive efforts, and it would be good if China could continue to lend a helping hand.


The responsible person of Red Cross Shanghaisaid the Red Cross China has opened up a green channel immediately after the earthquake. It will continue to provide timely humanitarian aid to Japanese people.


For years, Fosun has been committed to fulfilling its corporate social responsibility. For the past two decades, it has made nearly RMB600 million worth of cash donations to different communities. Following the earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan, in 2008, Fosun swiftly mobilized its staff and subsidiaries to raise funds and also delivered drugs to the disaster-stricken areas. The donations were worth over 40 million RMB.


