Fosun ranks No.1019 in “The World’s 2000 Largest Public Companies 2013” of Forbes

Release time:2013-05-06 Content sourced from: Page View:

Recently, Forbes, a US magazine, has published a list of “The World’s 2000 Largest Public Companies 2013”. Fosun ranked No. 1019 in the list, 117 higher-ranking as compared to No. 1136 last year.  ICBC and CCB ranked top and the second respectively.


It is 9 consecutive years since 2003 that Forbes announced “The World’s 2000 Largest Public Companies”. Based on the rankings for sales, profits, assets and market capitalization of the companies, the list of “The World’s 2000 Largest Public Companies” is authoritative and highly recognized by the market. In this year, Fosun ranked No. 1019 by virtue of its composite scores comprising turnover of US$8.2 billion, profits of US$600 million, assets of US$26 billion and market capitalization of US$4.1 billion.


There were 136 companies listed on the “The World’s 2000 Largest Public Companies”, falling behind US and Japan, which has 543 companies and 251 companies listed respectively. The rankings span 63 countries, three countries less than last year.


2012 was not only a milestone for Fosun, but also represented a promising new start. It was during these two decades when Fosun evolved from an entrepreneurial start-up into a large-scale internationally renowned group and also established its unique competitive edges of “China Expertise + Global Capacity”. During the past 20 years, Fosun brought together an excellent team of top-tier entrepreneurs, experienced operators and investment & financing experts and built a resources sharing platform by virtue of its own resources, experience and team to facilitate the better development of Chinese enterprises. As at 31 December 2012, net profit of the Group attributable to the shareholders of the parent amounted to RMB3.707 billion, 8.9% higher than the same period last year. As at 31 December 2012, net asset of the Group attributable to the shareholders of the parent amounted to RMB35.197 billion, 10.6% higher than that of the end of 2011.


Fosun’s listing on “The World’s 2000 Largest Public Companies” reflects the Group’s improvement in composite score, including sales, profit and asset.


