Liang Xinjun Attended German-Asian Economic Summit, Met with German Vice-Chancellor

Release time:2016-11-05 Content sourced from: Page View:

  On November 4, Liang Xinjun, Vice Chairman and CEO of Fosun Group, Stephan Rupprecht, the member of the board of directors and the managing partner of German private bank Hauck &Aufhäuser (H&A), attended the APK 15th Asia-Pacific Conference of German Business. During the event. Liang met with German Vice-Chancellor and Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Sigmar Gabriel. They discussed the topics of economic development and bilateral investments between Germany and the Asia-Pacific countries.

  Liang Xinjun expressed that Fosun hopes to establish closer ties with German enterprises and would like to build a Sino-German bridge represented by Fosun and H&A, which helps more Chinese and German companies to find cooperation partners and realize rapid growth.

Stephan Rupprecht, the member of the board of directors and the managing partner of H&A, went to Hong Kong with the China-bound delegation of Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel. FosunGroup’s Vice Chairman and CEO Liang Xinjun held in-depth exchange with Rupprecht on the future development of H&A.

  Liang noted that Fosun is a responsible globalized enterprise that will provide clients with premium services together with H&A under independent regulatory supervision and stringent risk control systems. Fosun will provide strong support for the development of H&A, offer encouragement and assistance in connection with its complementary mergers and acquisitions, thereby enabling it to become even stronger in the regional market and wealth management field. At the same time, H&A has provided Fosun with an investment channel to reach out to major European economy. By leveraging on Fosun’s investment platforms and extensive international resources, Fosun will be able to effectively assist H&A in enhancing its market position in the banking industry in Germany and Europe as a whole. This will present investment opportunities relating to the German market to investors from China and other Asian countries.



