The Bund Global Financial Summit will be held in BFC

Release time:2014-04-04 Content sourced from: Page View:

On 3 April 2014, Shanghai Huangpu District Government signed a Memorandum of Strategic Cooperation with Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum, Fosun Group and The Bund Finance Center‧BFC, announcing that The Bund Global Financial Summit will be held in Huangpu, Shanghai, PRC.


On 2 June 2013, with the great support of the Shanghai Huangpu District Government, the first session of The Bund Global Financial Summit, organized by Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum and Shanghai Financial Association, jointly-organized by Fosun Group, co-organized by The Bund Finance Center and other co-organizers, was held in Huangpu, Shanghai. 


On the day of the signing ceremony, in view of the huge feedback obtained from the first summit, all cooperation parties carried out discussion and reached a consensus on further strengthening communication and connection, continuous expanding the depth and scope of strategic cooperation so as to jointly promote the grand event of “The Bund Financial Summit” in Shanghai.  All cooperation parties will work together to focus on financial innovation, private-owned finance and internet finance to evolve The Bund Global Financial Summit into “The Bund Financial Innovation Experimental District”, thereby extending the century-old financial spirit of convergence of financial activities in The Bund. 


Zhou Wei, Secretary of the Communist Party of Huangpu District, Wang Shi, Rotating President of Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum and Guo Guangchang of Fosun, delivered speeches successively at the signing ceremony.  Peng Song, Chief Executive of Shanghai Huangpu District Government, Zhang Hongtao, Secretary-General of Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum, Xu Xiaoliang, President of Fosun Property Holdings, Wu Yang, President of The Bund Finance Center‧BFC signed the memorandum on behalf of the respective parties. 


“The Bund Finance Center‧BFC”, as the first grand project under the business model of “Financial Services Hive City” launched by Fosun Property Holdings, will become the pilot platform of financial development and innovation in Huangpu district in the next phase. In the future, BFC will become the permanent venue of “The Bund Global Financial Summit”.


BFC is the first experimental project of “Financial Services Hive” of Fosun, it is also an important pivot of the globalization layout of Fosun’s financial strategy.  It will cater to five major business formats including corporate offices, corporate headquarters, shopping centres, arts centres and boutique hotels. The BFC will bring together under one roof a variety of different functions in the areas of finance, culture, art, commerce and tourism. BFC will become the first “International Metropolitan Meeting Hub” that showcasing integrated experiences of financial innovation, financial services and financial culture in the Bund’s financial district cluster upon completion.


