Fosun Gained Double Awards in CSR Annual Conference of China 2013

Release time:2013-07-08 Content sourced from: Page View:

Fosun and the Pramerica Fosun Spirit of Community Awards project were awarded the “Best Enterprise of the Year” and the “Best Social Responsibility Project” respectively in the Corporate Social Responsibility Annual Conference of China 2013 held last Saturday by Southern Weekly. 
The attached photo shows representatives from awarded enterprises including Fosun Group, and Sun XiaoHua (3rd from right), vice chairman of National Association of Industry and Commerce, as award presenter.


CSR Annual Conference of China is an annual event organized by Southern Weekend for 5 consecutive years since launching in 2009. It has become a high-profile event among government, enterprises, media and private sectors with high credibility and influence. 
In this conference, other Chinese and overseas enterprises awarded the “Best Enterprise of the Year” include Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Life Insurance, Intel, Novartis and China Eastern Airlines.


