Talk with Mr.Guo Face to Face in PKU

Release time:2012-11-09 Content sourced from: Page View:


Fosun Campus Recruitment Fully Launches 'Rising Star' Project


[Beijing, 1 November 2012] The “Dream, Passion, Future: Fosun and Peking University Guanghua School of Management Summit” was successfully launched today at Peking University Guanghua School of Management. Mr. Guo Guangchang, Chairman of Fosun Group, together with representatives of its investees’ management team, had a dialogue with about 200 students from Peking University, covering topics about establishment of Fosun, its management philisophy, and entrepreneurial spirits, etc. This summit marked the commencement of Fosun’s Rising Star Recruitment Scheme 2013.


Mr. Cai Hongbin, Dean of Peking University Guanghua School of Management, welcomed Fosun’s visit. In a speech, Mr. Cai reckoned that Fosun’s course of growth in the past two decades was similar to that of Guanghua School of Management. Both of them achieved successes through capitalising on opportunities presented by China’s policies of economic reforms and opening-up. He hoped that Fosun can ride on China’s growth momentum and recruit more talents to achieve better growth in future.


Mr. Guo expressed his gratitude to Peking University students’ interest in Fosun’s recruitment. He also emphasized on Fosun’s vision of development --- “to become a premium investment group with a focus on China’s growth momentum” by leveraging investment experiences and competences developed in the past two decades. It will also make more efforts in attracting more talents from renowned tertiary institutions from around the world.


Mr. Chen Zhihua, President of Forte;Mr. Qiao Zhicheng, Senior Vice President and CFO of Fosun Pharma; Aris Maroulis, Greater China CEO of Folli Follie and Mr. Patrick Zhong, President of Fosun Pramerica China Opportunity Fund exchanged ideas with students. They also presented to the students Fosun’s investment expertise and corporate culture from various perspectives. i-TaiChing presented a Tai Chi show after the summit. Human resources representatives from Fosun Pharma, Forte and Club Med and other Fosun’s investees discussed with and received resumes from students.


Since the launch of Rising Star Recruitment Scheme, human resources departments and recruitment staff of different business units have been visiting a total of 10 renowned colleges and universities in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing and Hangzhou. By conducting recruitment talks on campus, Fosun Group strives to promote its employer image.  The Group will further enhance its corporate image promotion efforts and talent selection works in the future.


