“Lifetime Achievement Award” at World Chinese Economic Summit

Release time:2016-11-17 Content sourced from: Page View:

  The 8th annual World Chinese Economic Summit (WCES) was held in Malaysia on November 16, 2016 under the theme of “China-ASEAN: Realizing Opportunities, Strengthening Partnerships”. Fosun’s Chairman Guo Guangchang was presented with the “Lifetime Achievement Award” in the welcome dinner of the summit in recognition of his consistent contributions to the global economy and society as well as the remarkable entrepreneurial spirit he has shown in the global economic arena.

  NajibRazak, Malaysian Prime Minister stated at WCES that the bilateral trade between China and Malaysia and that between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) had been growing significantly in the past decade. He said that the trade agreements between China and ASEAN and the strategic partnership between China and Malaysia would surely bring more benefits to all the countries. Mr. Razak added that the Malaysian Government welcomed the “Belt and Road Initiative” proposed by China, and he believed that the policy would help deepen the Malaysia-China relations.

  The summit attracted enterprises and Chinese elites from around the world. The participants exchanged ideas on how to capitalize on China’s “Belt and Road Initiative”. Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia; SusiloBambangYudhoyono, former President of Indonesia and Ma Ying-jeou, former Taiwanese leader, participated in the summit.

  Since 2011, the summit has been presenting the “Lifetime Achievement Award” to commend business leaders on their outstanding contributions to politics, economy, charity and cultural development on a global scale. This year, Fosun Group’s Chairman Guo Guangchang received “Lifetime Achievement Award” at WCES.

  WCES stated that Mr. Guo, as the founder of Fosun, is a talented global business leader who has driven the rapid growth of his company and has made great contributions to the development of both the global economy and society. It also said that Mr. Guo, with his indomitable entrepreneurial spirit, has a leading role in developing Fosun into a world-class investment group and in making it one of the first Chinese companies to succeed in expanding abroad. WCES added that Mr. Guo also devoted resources to the cultivation of talent, philanthropy and cultural development while actively expanding the businesses of his company. It said that Mr. Guo and his staff grew together while developing the business and that he had contributed to the sustainable social development in the world.

  World Chinese Economic Summit was founded by The Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute in 2009. The summit aims to provide a platform for global political and business leaders, especially Chinese businessmen, to exchange ideas, explore opportunities and promote global economic development and ties. Previous winners of the “Lifetime Achievement Award” includes John So, former Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Australia; Boris Johnson, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and former Mayor of London; Stuart Gulliver, Group Chief Executive of HSBC Holdings plc; Vincent Lo Hong Shui, Chairman of Shui On Group; and Jack Ma, Executive Chairman of Alibaba Group, etc.



